Sunday, March 20, 2011

Minor XMOS XDE teething troubles

My previous post mentions that I skipped Mylyn install, due to an error message that I'd rather not pursue at the moment.

I moved quickly ahead with pulling xcommon from github. Problem free.

My goal is to create a github repo for the XMOS SDRAM package, and get that pulled into XMOS's github space, but I need to check my tools are in order before I get too deep in that process.

OK, I thought... pull the sc_uart module, and build it, to check things out.

I immediately hit a snag with the step after the github fetch, related to hooking the downloaded repository. I'll detail that in a bit. The nice thing was that, after invoking SetEnv.command, I was able to do xmake all in the sc_uart directory, and the command line build was successful.

I noticed quit a few trivial warnings during the build that should probably be worked on, but I'm not complaining, yet ;)

Next: Was that XDE problem my error, or something else?

Edit:  Hmmm.. Not sure... This is what I did...

After copying the path to the github repo ( to the clipboard, I entered the Import Projects from Git dialog, by navigating via File and Import, etc.  Just hitting the clone button is enough to populate the URL, Host, and path fields.  I only needed to hit Next twice, then Finish.  This pulled down the git repo and returned me to the Import Projects dialog, but without sc_uart showing in the list.  I hit Cancel, and entered that dialog again, and now sc_uart and xcommon were both present. Both paths were very specific, ending in the .git directory.

So with the sc_uart module selected, I clicked Next> which took me to the next step in the wizard.  There was only one project to select, so I checked that box. I don't have a working set, yet, and it's possible that I need one and need to select it before continuing... Anyway, I hit Finish to receive a Problem Dialog, containing the following detail:

Invalid project description.
  Invalid project description.
    /Users/russ/XMOSxde11workspace/sc_uart overlaps the location of another project: 'sc_uart'
 At this stage, I have the sinking feeling that I've experienced many times before, with IDEs such as XDE. It brings to mind the start of the old Fortran game Advent. The game starts with the message, "You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.

Eclipse issue with Egit and Mylyn

I'm installing the latest XMOS Development Environment (XDE) which is Eclipse based. 

When adding Egit, I hit an issue with Mylyn.

Here's the detailed error message:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: EGit Mylyn (Incubation) 0.11.3 ( 0.11.3)
  Missing requirement: EGit Mylyn (Incubation) 0.11.3 ( 0.11.3) requires 'org.eclipse.mylyn.context.core [3.0.0,4.0.0)' but it could not be found
Removing Mylyn from the list of items to be installed seems to let me finish.

There is a usability issue with the plugin installer, at the point that licenses must be agreed to. It is not clear whether one must scroll through the copious licence pages in order to light up the >Next button. In fact, just selecting the blanket Accept radio button and clicking Finish is enough.